Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Independence Hall - Philadelphia, PA 5/31/11

As published at SarahPAC: Independence Hall - Philadelphia, PA 5/31/11

Liberty Bell - Philadelphia, PA 5/31/11

As published at SarahPAC: Liberty Bell - Philadelphia, PA 5/31/11

Your Memorial Day Photos

Thank you so much for helping us celebrate America and our vets by sending us photos of your family or community celebrating Memorial Day weekend. We've posted below a handful of the many great photos sent to us.

John B went up a mountain to show his support: "Mount POW/MIA is a mountain that was dedicated in November of 1999 to any military personnel that have ever been determined as a Prisoner of War or been Missing In Action. This mountain can easily be seen from the Matanuska-Susitna Veterans Memorial...At the summit there is a POW/MIA flag, register, and plaque dedicated to James Wesley Widdis, Jr. Northwest of the summit, about 100 feet, if there is little or no snow, is a picnic table for picnicking pleasure."


Andrew S: "My dog Guinness at Williamsburg, VA. He is ready to fight for our freedom."

Bob K: "This pictures is from our Memorial Day services at the town park in Sardinia, NY."

Carole A: "Attached photo is from Florida National Cemetery at Bushnell, Florida, Memorial Day Service."


Catherine B: "Taken at our town's Memorial day parade in Hudson, New Hampshire. Many of the young people of our very small community showed up and marched proudly with this piece of life changing history. These kids are Jr. ROTC, who proudly participate in many community events."

David C at Rolling Thunder in Washington, DC.

Picture of Don B's son Jeremy, who is currently serving in Iraq. Don says of this photo: “Freedom: Brought to you Courtesy of Brave Americans, Past, Present and Future, … GOD Willing.”

Elisha C used Memorial Day weekend to reflect on her service to our country: "My name is Elisha and I currently live in Omaha, NE. The photo I am sending is one I took today of my Air Force uniform hanging on the back of a chair, with a picture of an eagle with a flag hanging on the wall in the background. I have been in the military for almost six years now, and in just a month, I will be separated and no longer wearing this uniform. I am proud to have called myself an Airman in the USAF and am thankful for those who served before me, with me, and those who will serve after me."

From Fred and Lois S

Karen A: "Snapshot of my littlest ones having fun with sparklers in their grandparents' garden this Memorial Day. My son has been especially interested in the flag after we attended a minor league ball game this past week. Taking his ball cap off, watching the flag, and hearing the words to the Star-Spangled Banner opened the door to a great discussion about how our country remains free today."

Kathleen O: "These photos were taken in Tradition, St. Lucie County, Florida. The display is called "Take Time to Honor". Volunteers put up Crosses and Stars of David for every man and woman who gave their lives in service to the United States of America so that we would remain free."

Lori H: "My daugther after greeting the soldiers at DFW airport."

Monica C: "This is how our son Jaime has chosen to serve Memorial Day…….fighting for our freedom in Afghanistan. So very proud of him!"

Robert S: "From New Orleans at the NASA base. Working hard on this Memorial Day! Proud to be an American."

Yvonne J: "Memorial Day Service, Quantico National Cemetery, Quantico, Virginia."

As published at SarahPAC: Your Memorial Day Photos

New Afghanistan Development Dangerous to NATO

Governor Palin today posted on Facebook:

After learning this afternoon of Afghan President Karzai’s ultimatum to NATO concerning airstrikes, we need to consider how dangerous this new development is. While it's always devastating to hear about civilians killed in the fight against the Taliban, President Karzai surely knows that no one works harder to eliminate civilian casualties than NATO. His public ultimatum issued today to allies and supposed friends is dangerous. What President Karzai is saying is that if we don’t severely limit our air campaign he will take “unilateral action.” And he further says that if the airstrikes continue we will be seen as an “occupying” power. This is an indirect way of saying that American and NATO forces will be fair game, which is obviously an unacceptable situation that threatens our troops. His comments reflect the reality that there is a growing divide between NATO and the Karzai government. Let us be clear: we are in Afghanistan fighting for the Afghan people and for the security of our country and our allies. If President Karzai continues with these public ultimatums, we must consider our options about the immediate future of U.S. troops in his country. If he actually follows through on his claim that Afghan forces will take “unilateral action” against NATO forces who conduct such air raids to take out terrorists and terrorist positions, that should result in the immediate withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan and the suspension of U.S. aid. I still firmly support our mission in Afghanistan, but we must have the support of the host government. Our troops’ mission will be compromised and their safety endangered if the Afghan government threatens us.

- Sarah Palin

Retrieved from: http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=10150196318778435.

Coffee Express - Dillsburg, PA 5/31/11

As published at SarahPAC: Coffee Express - Dillsburg, PA 5/31/11

The Call at Gettysburg

When I first visited Gettysburg years ago, I was overwhelmed with the sense of sacrifice made to secure our union, but my most recent visit this morning was even more significant as subsequent visits allow reflection on the state of our union today. Striking to me is how ready and willing troops and civilians were in 1863 to lay their lives on the line. Are we as ready and willing to accept the call for sacrifice today in order to keep our union secure?

Hopefully the kids on school field trips whom we met this morning grasped the poignant irony at the site we toured together: that such a beautiful stretch of the Pennsylvania countryside should have been the site of the bloodiest battle in the Civil War. But perhaps it’s fitting that such a sacred place should be so beautiful now in order to commemorate the terrible sacrifices made to bring about, in the words of Lincoln’s famous address, "a new birth of freedom."

But this "new birth of freedom" wasn’t fully realized by the generation that paid the price for it. Over 100 years after the battle, Martin Luther King, Jr. stood on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial and declared, "Now is the time to make justice a reality for all of God's children." It took the struggle for Civil Rights to truly complete what Lincoln called "the unfinished work" for which the heroes of Gettysburg "gave the last full measure of devotion."

Today, when we speak of "fundamentally restoring all that is good in America", we remember the debt of gratitude we owe to those who sacrificed to create and preserve our union. From the Civil War to the struggle for Civil Rights, generations of Americans have made great sacrifices necessary to pass on to us this great gift of freedom. It’s our duty to them to preserve it, cherish it, and pass it on to our children, so "that these dead shall not have died in vain…and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."

When duty calls, are we willing to answer today? Please remember that freedom isn't free - the price paid for our liberty has been great.

The reminders of the past costs are seen at Gettysburg. The way forward in protecting our unified body is encapsulated in Lincoln's 2nd inaugural address: "...with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds."

- Sarah Palin

As published at SarahPAC: The Call at Gettysburg

Gettysburg Battlefield - Gettysburg, PA 5/31/11

As published at SarahPAC: Gettysburg Battlefield - Gettysburg, PA 5/31/11

Monday, May 30, 2011

Mount Vernon, USA

Happy Memorial Day everyone. Check back with us tomorrow.

As published at SarahPAC: Mount Vernon, USA

Fort McHenry - Baltimore, MD 5/30/11

As published at SarahPAC: Fort McHenry - Baltimore, MD 5/30/11

The Cure for a "Boring" GOP Field

We have read it over and over again in magazine, newspaper articles and blogs.  We have heard political pundits proclaim it with each flick of the camera’s switch.  The GOP field is “uninspiring”.  It is “boring”.  It is “bland”.  “There is no excitement.”
What does this tell us about the possible outcomes of any potential current GOP candidate against President Obama?  It tells us their chances – no matter which would obtain the GOP nomination – would be slim.  Why? 

Someone who can fit into the description of uninspiring, boring and bland cannot excite a populous to work for campaigns.  They cannot energize their own people to encourage those who are undecided to join their ranks.  One does not attempt to proselytize another to a belief about which they do not feel passionately.

Believing this to be the case, what exactly is lacking in the GOP field?  What do we need to excite and energize the voters to not only get out and vote, but to get out and campaign?

We need an exciting candidate.  One who is willing to do things a little differently or perhaps a lot differently.  One who has the courage to think – and act – outside of the box.  

 Our world is constantly changing.  We communicate with each other differently than we did even five years ago, our campaign process needs to reflect those changes and growths in technology.  

Not only has technology changed, but the electorate has changed as well.  No longer is the average citizen sitting back waiting for decisions to be made behind closed doors, simply happy to be told of the outcome.  Citizens want to know what is going on, before the decisions are made.  They want to influence the decisions and will let their pleasure, and more importantly, displeasure be known at the ballot box.  Because of this, today’s candidates must take their message not to those planners in the back-rooms, but to the American people.  Decisions must be formed not in secret rooms, but on open streets where candidates can talk openly to the people who will be voting for them.  We need a candidate comfortable with the people of our nation; a candidate willing to lead and be directed by the people of this country; willing to have a country truly of, by and for the people.
ARLINGTON, VA - MAY 29:  Former U.S. Vice pres...Image by Getty Images via @daylife 
Who in our nation fits this description?  Don Surber at the Daily Mail called it precisely when he said, “Sarah Palin takes a little motorcycle ride in Washington and suddenly politics is fun again.”  That’s what we need, someone to make politics “fun again”.  But it can’t all be fun and games.

We also need an unwavering candidate.  The American people are too informed to follow a candidate who has changed their opinion on important issues depending upon the direction of the wind.  We need someone who will plant their flag in the ground and then stand by it.  

 We need someone who can be counted on “to do the right thing” as I heard one person say.  Sarah Palin’s record  in Alaska shows she isn’t afraid to do the right thing, even when it means going against your own party.  She fought against back-room deals and cronyism of the oil and gas regulatory agency.  She ran for governor vowing to put the pipeline back out for competitive, transparent, bidding, railing against cozy politics.  She called for stricter guidelines for pipeline bidding and passed ethics laws.  She stood for reform, not populism.  She stood for ethical, fair dealings, not shady, back-room deals.  This is what she wants to bring to Washington.  But there is more to America than business.

We need a candidate who supports and understands our military.  We need a candidate who would never once even considering withholding the paycheck of the military as a political ploy.  We need a candidate who can honor the service of our military and value their sacrifice.  

We need a patriotic candidate.  America is ready for a candidate who is not ashamed to call America great.  Our country is ready for a leader to bring America back from the economic brink of destruction upon which we have been thrust.  We are ready for a candidate we can trust and one who trusts us.

Listen for yourself.  Listen to all the candidates. . .do they inspire you to have pride in your country?  Do they make you want to wave that flag again?  

Then listen to Sarah Palin.  Her love of our country, her respect for its citizens, for the diversity of our land and its inhabitants, her belief in the greatness that is America calls us to greater love of our country.  Her own unabashed patriotism instills in us a willingness to wave our flags, to sing our anthem and not be embarrassed, not be deterred.  This is the mark of a leader, a great leader.  This is the candidate we need.
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Greetings from the road in Maryland!

Mount Vernon was amazing, really something special.

I’ve said before that George Washington is my favorite Founding Father because he was reluctant to serve, and yet he rose to the great challenges before him. I can certainly see why he dreaded leaving his home on the Potomac. His servant's heart is an inspiration to us all.

When Piper laid the wreath at George Washington's tomb this afternoon, I wished that every American school student could be here to see and feel the spirit of our nation's first father. Even Piper was able to grasp the significance of being in the presence of our first President - who had such diverse interests - when she told me later "how hard he must have worked to keep that farm going!" And then she added, "And can you believe he was a commercial fisherman, from DC?!"

There's so much to learn and absorb at Mt. Vernon. Washington was a very busy man who had a healthy reluctance to serve as President after having dedicated so many precious years in service to others while he lead the military. When he accepted the call to be our nation's first chief executive, he served for the right reasons. Though he loved his home at Mt. Vernon so much, this self-taught, "non politician" was willing to sacrifice his passion for farming, fishing, trade and commerce in order to answer another call of to lead the new nation.

Visiting Washington's home today with fellow citizens from all across the country, including Maryland, Oklahoma, Michigan, Tennessee, Louisiana, and Idaho reminds us of our common bond. That bond can be summed up in Washington's prayer that you can find at his tomb. It reads in part, "I now make it my earnest prayer, that God would have the United States in his holy protection...to dispose us all to do Justice, to love mercy...which were the Characteristics of the Devine Author of our blessed Religion, and without an humble imitation of whose example in these things, we can never hope to be a happy Nation. Amen." (June 8, 1783)

And amen!

I encourage every American to travel east to Mt. Vernon. Beautiful. Educational. Inspiring. Worth it. And the caretakers and tour guides there are superb. They're so proud that the estate, museum and gardens are privately operated and funded. Their patience with visitors and care for Washington's land and possessions is a testament to their passion for restoring a part of America's strong foundation. Their conscientious work is another reason to be proud to be American!

The Archives and Mount Vernon. Can you tell I'm fired up?!

- Sarah Palin

As published at SarahPAC: Greetings from the road in Maryland!

Our Charters of Liberty at the National Archives

On this tour, when I speak of "fundamentally restoring our country", that means restoring it to the ideals found in our charters of liberty. What a great morning we just had seeing the collection of these founding documents at the National Archives!

Seeing America's most historic documents is inspiring, and speaking with staff members who pour their hearts into educating visitors gives us great hope that our nation's history will be accurately passed on to future generations. Many of the artifacts, recordings and documents on display at the National Archives are evidence of the patriotism and hard work poured into our foundation. These are nonpartisan, valuable historical tools we all need to see, read and absorb to learn the truth about our past, so we can move forward successfully.

Too often our leaders today behave as if our charters of liberty are outdated, flawed documents from a distant and irrelevant past. They treat our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution as if they aren't much more than old pieces of parchment with pretty words that can be twisted or ignored when it’s convenient. But these can’t be ignored! They point the way forward, like a needed compass that can guide us through the heady times we face as a country. These documents unite us! We ARE one nation under God, and we're indivisible if we follow the blueprints our Founders drew for us.

Amazing visit! Thank you, National Archives.

- Sarah Palin

As published at SarahPAC: Our Charters of Liberty at the National Archives

Share Your Memorial Day Photos

To celebrate America and our vets today, please send us a photo of you, your family or community celebrating this Memorial Day weekend, and we'll post our favorites here on SarahPAC’s website. You can send your photo to photos@sarahpac.com with a brief caption explaining it (your name, location, etc.) and permission to use your photo on our website.

As published at SarahPAC: Share Your Memorial Day Photos

The National Archives - Washington, DC 5/30/11

As published at SarahPAC: The National Archives - Washington, DC 5/30/11

O4P CA: Happy Memorial Day

Memorial Day is the ideal time to take a look at America today, a look at America’s days gone by, and a look into America’s days to come.

Today we are called upon once again to solve the challenges, the problems, and the trials facing our country.

As Americans we are free to take the initiative, to strike, and to use our vision and our talents to solve America’s problems on our own.

This freedom has been given to us by our country’s women and men in uniform who have served our nation and our nation’s interests abroad.

Specifically, we are beholden to those who have died so that we may remain free.

Our legacy of freedom is both durable and delicate. Current events across the globe call attention to the truth that our Liberty is scarce, and our America is exceptional.

This Memorial Day 2011 Organize4Palin California would like to pay homage and give glory to the fearless heroic Americans who gave all serving their country.

Let us show respect and appreciation for their sacrifice. Let us restore our boldness and decidedness against our aggressors. Let us renew our wisdom to defend and secure our freedoms; and let us revive our spirit of helpful understanding to champion enduring harmony all over the World.

Happy Memorial Day from Organize4Palin (O4P) CA

Thomas S Schmitz
(O4P) CA Coordinator

Join our O4P CA Facebook Group: California4Palin
Follow O4P CA on Twitter: @CA4Palin
Follow me on Twitter: @ThomasSSchmitz

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